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Table 1 Results of the immunohistochemical analysis of intestinal polyps from Juvenile Polyposis syndrome patients carrying established SMAD4 germline mutations.

From: Smad4 haploinsufficiency: a matter of dosage


SMAD4Germline Mutation

Epithelial SMAD4 expression

Stromal SMAD4 expression


Nucleotide [ref.]

Amino Acid


JPS case #1


polyp A

nt 1042–43, 2 bp del, TTGTTA-TTTA [4]

FS 350X



polyp B

nt 1042–43, 2 bp del, TTGTTA-TTTA [4]

FS 350X



JPS case #2


polyp A

nt 424+1, intron 2 TTGg-TTGa

splice defect



JPS case #3


polyp A

nt 1058 TAC-TCC [40]




polyp B

nt 1058 TAC-TCC [40]




polyp C

nt 1058 TAC-TCC [40]




JPS case #4


polyp A

nt 533 TCA-TGA [40]




polyp B

nt 533 TCA-TGA [40]




JPS case #5


polyp A

nt 687–692, 1 bp ins, TGGGGGGC- TGGGGGGGC [4]

FS 235X



polyp B

nt 687–692, 1 bp ins, TGGGGGGC- TGGGGGGGC [4]

FS 235X



polyp C

nt 687–692, 1 bp ins, TGGGGGGC- TGGGGGGGC [4]

FS 235X



JPS case #6


polyp A

nt 1244–47, 4 bp del, AGACAGAG-AGAG [4]

FS 434X



polyp B

nt 1244–47, 4 bp del, AGACAGAG-AGAG [4]

FS 434X



  1. In the last two columns, +, +/-, and - indicate homogeneously positive, patchy, and homogeneously negative nuclear SMAD4 staining, respectively (for examples of the various staining patterns, see Figure 1).